Thursday, July 8, 2010

Nana and Papa here(Papa's book is done!), 4th of July, Swimming, and a cute Level 3 Gymnast

My parents came to town to help w/ the kids b/c I was really sick w/ a GI tract infection. My dad has written a book on a NCAA football playoff and he received it in the mail when he was in San Angelo. He's going to be a best selling author! We made 4th of July pancakes, a Sunday ritual, we just decorated them for the 4th! Pedro had to work on the 4th so the kids and I went w/ one of my friends and her son to see fireworks. The family went to the pool yesterday! Libby has been chosen from her kindergym class to be the youngest in the competition level class. She'll start competing in Sept. I'm not big on the "sport" of gymnastics b/c the whole judging thing, but I'm so proud of her success and she loves it. I just think of it as it helping her just be an awesome athlete. I mean all the former gymnasts I coach are our highest jumpers and strongest. That'll be Libby. Let's see if Emma will follow in her footsteps someday.

1 comment:

MeMaw said...

I would have loved seeing your Mom and Dad! I hope you are feeling much better. Have a great weekend. Kay Smith aka as MeMaw on my posts.